Miss Wade - Pear Miss Mahmood - Apple Miss Shoker - Pear and Apple
Hello everyone! We have two wonderful Year 2 classes who are taught by Miss Shoker, Miss Mahmood and Miss Wade.
We are supported by Miss Salisbury.
If you need to contact us please send us an email to: yeartwostmatthews@gmail.com
Important Information
PE will take place on Monday (shorter PE lesson) and Wednesday (longer PE lesson) for all of Year 2. Please ensure your child comes in their PE kits. The required PE kit is a white t-shirt, Navy blue or black jogging bottoms or shorts, trainers or PE pumps (if your child wears PE pumps please send them into school with their school shoes for play time) and their school jumper.
Please try and read with your child everyday and please ensure they have their books in school on their reading day.
Spellings will be given out on Thursday and children will have a spelling test the following Thursday.
Praise assembly will take place on a Monday morning at 8:45am unless otherwise stated. Children who are receiving praise will have letters to share with you and it would be lovely to see you at the assembly.
Home learning will be given out every Thursday. Please click on the home learning tab for more information of what you can do at home.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us at the end of the day.
We are looking forward to working with you this year.