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St Matthew's Church of England Primary School Primary School

Let Not Your Light Be Hidden... Let Your Light Shine!

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!


Welcome to our class page!


Here you can find lots of useful links and information to support your learning.  



If you have any questions, need to contact us about your work, or if you are feeling proud and would like to share anything you have completed, we would love to see what you have been doing! 

You can email the following addresses:  (Plum Class Teacher)  (Cherry Class Teacher)


Let your light shine!


From Miss Polito, Miss Wood, Mrs Foster,
Mrs Bray and Miss Tanda.



Important information

  • Children must come into school wearing their PE kit on a Monday and Thursday.


  • Spelling records must be in school on a Friday as spellings are completed in their record and new spellings will be stuck in. The new spellings will be tested on the following Friday and are based on their phonics ability.


  • Learning logs are handed out on a Friday and should be handed back into school by the following Wednesday.


  • Home reading books should be read at home with parents/carers and will be within their phonics ability. The book and reading record must be back in school on your child's reading day (shown on the reading record) to ensure that the book is changed and that your child can read to a member of staff. Please make a note of when you read in the record.


  • In Year 1, children complete a statutory phonics screening assessment - it is important for your child's learning to practise word reading at home within their reading ability (follow the phonics link for further support or speak to your class teacher).


We thank you for your continued support!




If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of the Year 1 team.
