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St Matthew's Church of England Primary School Primary School

Let Not Your Light Be Hidden... Let Your Light Shine!

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Areas of learning covered so far during this year:

- Place value within 20-40

-Addition and subtraction within 20 



 Please practise number formation with your child using the documents listed below.



 Maths you can do at home!

  • Tens and Ones to 50 (eg: 11 has 1 ten and 1 one, 13 has 1 ten and 3 ones, 24 has 2 tens and 4 ones)
  • Number bonds to 10 and related subtraction facts                   (eg: 3 + 7 = 10 / 10 - 3 = 7)
  • Number bonds to 20 and related subtraction facts                        (eg: 14 + 6 = 20 / 20 - 14 = 6)
  • Addition and subtraction within 20 (one-digit and two-digit number sentences)
  • Doubles (Double 1 is 2, Double 4 is 8, Double 5 is 10 etc)
  • Measuring length and height of items and objects using a centimeter ruler
  • Number formation and recognising numbers
  • Days of the week / timing (before, after, next)
  • Months of the year
  • Naming 3-D shapes and recognising how many faces, edges and vertices
  • Naming 2-D shapes and recognising how many corners and sides
  • Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

Number bonds - remember to subtract also!

Go up into space as you count up by twos with a dog and a song on a crazy rocket cruise! The Counting by Twos song teaches skip counting by 2. If you are learning to count or teaching math and early years numeracy, the Counting by 2's song by Scratch Garden is the best way to get there!

The Counting by Fives Song | Counting Songs | Scratch Garden

Count by fives from zero to one hundred! Skip Counting with an original animation and song... don't skip it! Like our videos? Help support us on Patreon (and access over 50 member-only videos!) ►► ◄◄ The Counting by Fives song teaches skip counting by 5.

The Counting by Tens Song | Counting Songs | Scratch Garden

Count by tens from zero to one hundred with an adventurous dog and an adventurous song! The Counting by Tens song teaches skip counting by 10. Like our videos? Help support us on Patreon (and access over 50 member-only videos!)
