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St Matthew's Church of England Primary School Primary School

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Public Consultation on Admission Arrangements for Academic Year 2026/2027


In accordance with the School Admissions Code 2021, St Matthew’s Church of England Primary School is required to consult on its admission arrangements at least every 7 years or where changes to the arrangements are proposed. Our proposed Admissions Policy for the academic year 2026/2027 is available to view on our website at:


Please note that a proposed major change to the Admission Arrangements is the removal of attendance at a place of worship as an admission oversubscription criteria.


Comments are welcome on any aspect of our admission arrangements and can be sent via email to Marie Forker at or directly to the School in a sealed envelope marked ‘Consultation on Admission Arrangements’, for the attention of Marie Forker. This consultation process will commence on Friday 8th November and conclude on 20th December 2024. Once the consultation has closed, comments and feedback will be considered by the Governors.


St Matthew’s Church of England Primary School is a Voluntary Aided School and as such, the governing body are the admissions authority and responsible for the admissions policy.  At St Matthew’s we seek to serve the needs of children who are members of the Anglican Church and also the primary educational requirements of the community in general by providing education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice.  The permitted number of admissions into our Reception class is 60 pupils.  Parents may apply for their child to join St Matthew’s in line with the relevant Admissions Policy via the Local Authority (LA) and will be informed by the LA should their application be successful. 


If applying to change school mid-year, the following process will begin once an application has been received by St Matthew's Church of England Primary School


1. The school, on behalf of the governing body, will identify whether a place is available in the relevant year group


  • If a place is available and there is only one applicant, the place will be offered to the applicant
  • If a place is available but there is more than one applicant, the school admissions code will be applied to determine which application is successful 
  • If no places are available, the application will be declined and placed on the waiting list
  • The waiting list is valid for the current academic year only


2. If a place is offered, the school will make contact to arrange an induction visit and to agree a start date
