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St Matthew's Church of England Primary School Primary School

Let Not Your Light Be Hidden... Let Your Light Shine!

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O U R      T E A M

Miss Brind (Class Teacher)


Mrs Begum (LSP)



In Nursery we encourage the children to follow their own interests and own lines of enquiry in their play. 


We ensure that the environment has appropriate resources to support the children in all areas of their learning. The environment acts as the "additional teacher". 


At St Matthew's we want to ensure that all children have the best start to their education and that no child is left behind.  We want children to become resilient, caring, enthusiastic and successful learners. During their time in Early Years we will provide children with the essential knowledge and skills they need to be successful in their schooling and later life. 


Our Carefully chosen topics offer a broad and balanced curriculum, acting as a stimulus for children to develop and answer their own questions. 


Practitioners spend meaningful time with the children scaffolding their play to move learning on and taking time to address any misconceptions that may occur


K E Y      I N F O R M A T I O N

Our PE day in a Monday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on this day and they have removed any jewellery including earings. 


Each child has a day to bring their reading book. Please ensure that the book is returned on the day listed on the front of their reading record. 


Home Learning books will be sent home on a Friday they need to be returned to school by the following Wednesday. 




Autumn term
