The School Council
We believe that it is important to listen to the views of our children and recognise the important role of pupil voice. Our School Council is made up of ten children from across the school. These children are elected to be representatives for their class and attend regular meetings to discuss relevant matters of interest concerning school organisation and development. The School Council is actively involved in decision making within the school and regularly conducts surveys to gather views and opinions from their peers.
The aim of the School Council is to help our children to develop an understanding of their ability to create positive change by:
- Involving pupils in decision making
- Respecting pupils as partners in their own education
New Building
The new Key Stage Two building is really starting to take shape and we are hoping that the children in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will move across in February. In the meantime, the school council visited the site in late September and reported back to their classes regarding the progress being made and answered lots of questions that the children had generated.