Learning logs are handed out on a Friday and should be back in school by the following Wednesday.
Your child may be given additional tasks to complete that will support and push their learning further. Please practise the weekly spellings and home reading as part of your home learning.
If you complete any additional learning, please bring it into school or send it over to our emails listed on our class page.
Thank you for your continued hard efforts!
Miss Polito and Miss Wood
Common Exception Words
These are sometimes called red words in our phonics lessons. Please can you practise reading and writing these words.
Please practice the set 1 sounds above. Click on the phonics link on this class page and then click on set 1 sounds. Practice each sound and ask an adult to help. There is a link for adults to explain how to say the sounds.
Practice set 2 sounds also at home please, using the link on the phonics page.