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St Matthew's Church of England Primary School Primary School

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Year 3

Click the link below to go to our class Padlet!


Let me and the rest of our class know what you've been up to while you are learning from home. I'll be responding to your posts and sharing some fun ideas for you to try at home. I can't wait to hear from you all!


It's been wonderful to hear from those of you who have posted so far!

This is our class page that we are going to use to share what goes on in our classroom - and outside!
We hope you come back and check it for our regular updates.


Do you have any ideas for this page?
Make sure you let Miss Davies or Mrs Kaur know!

Key dates for Year 3:

Friday 14th February 2020 - Break up for half term

Monday 24th February 2020 - Return to school

Wednesday 4th March 2020 - INSPIRE workshop at 9am

Monday 30th March 2020 - Parents Evening

Tuesday 31st March 2020 - Compton Verney trip

Wednesday 1st April 2020 - Break up for Easter (2 days early to allow staff to move into the new building)

Monday 20th April 2020 - Return to school for the Summer term

London v Paris!

In geography, we have been comparing London and Paris. In this lesson we got to taste some delicious food, including baguette, custard creams and hot cross buns! Can you remember which type of food you preferred?

Money money money!

Our newest topic in maths is money; how to add and subtract it. We began by recognising the coins and finding amounts in a fun game!

Fantastic examples of home learning!

A fantastic advert for the Blooming Circus!

There's something magical happening in Year 3...

Today, Friday 10th January 2020, the circus came to St. Matthew's! Well actually, Jay came to visit Year 3 but he definitely brought the circus with him. First of all, we watched a magic show and a few children even showed us some spectacular tricks with our magician's help. After that, it was workshop time and the children got to have a go at juggling, diablos, flower sticks, spinning plates and balancing feathers. Some children have natural talent with these skills!

We had such a brilliant afternoon, so a huge thank you to Jay from Blooming Circus. A great start to our English topic!

Merry Christmas from Year 3!

8 times table activities

In Year 3, our aim is to know the 3, 4 and 8 times tables by heart! This can be quite tricky, especially when we get to our 8s. This week we spent some time on lots of different activities to help the children with their fluency.

English: Complex sentences

Science: Animals, including humans

In science this half term, we are learning all about bodies, skeletons and how useful they are! Today we looked at the human skeleton and labelled some of the bones we knew and some new ones!