Why is Geography important?
At St Matthew’s Primary School, we believe that geography is an essential part of the curriculum as it helps to provoke and answer questions about the natural and human world whilst encouraging children to develop a greater understanding of their world and their place in it. As the future generation responsible for our planet, we want our children to have a sense of respect for our ever-changing world. Geography at St Matthew’s will develop pupil’s awe, curiosity and wonderment as it provides the opportunity to explore, appreciate and understand the world we live in and how it has evolved. It contributes to the cultural, social, spiritual and moral life of children as they acquire knowledge of a range of different cultures and traditions, and learn tolerance and understanding of other people and environments.
Geography is the subject in which pupils will gain a sense of place in the world whilst learning the skills for understanding similarities and differences in a locality and how and where people fit into its overall structure. Developing geographical knowledge and skills is vital as children live in a world that is wide open to them. With opportunities to travel and work in different cities and countries across the world, pupils need to recognise the impact they as humans have on the planet. Our aim is to promote children’s interest and understanding about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes to allow children to learn respect for their world and how they can make wise and discerning choices in their own futures.