Arriving at school
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 can arrive from 8.30am but must be in school for 8.40am as this is when the register closes.
Children in KS2 can arrive from 8.35am but must be in class for 8.45am as this is when the register closes.
Please be aware, if children arrive after the register has closed, they will have to report to the school office to be marked as being late and this will affect their overall attendance.
End of the day
Children in reception, Year 1 and Year 2 finish at 3.10pm and children in KS2 finish at 3.15pm.
Morning Nursery begins at 8.30am and finishes at 11.30am. Afternoon Nursery begins at 12.15pm and finishes at 3.15pm