Every Thursday children will receive their Home Learning Log with that weeks home learning task. If you need any assistance with this please do not hesitate to ask.
Reading - Children have been given their reading books. Please try and read with your child everyday and write a comment in their reading diary. The comment could be about which page your child has read or how they have read. Or any other books they have read. Please try and write in their diary everyday. Children will get raffle tickets based on how many times they have read. Thank you!
Spelling - Spellings will be given on a Thursday to be tested the following Thursday. Please practise everyday to help you achieve 10/10!
Maths - Children can practise their number bonds, doubles and halves on this website:
Children have been given a Times Tables Rock Stars login. Please practise your 2, 5 and 10 times tables on there so you can get your bronze badge!